League Against League
In the eight year of the Versailles order, the League Against Imperialism was founded. This organisation was obviously a reaction to the 🇬🇧-led League of Nations.(1) In 1918, United States President Woodrow Wilson provided the idea for the "League of Versailles", as it would not be positively termed by the League seat-hosting Swiss: Bund von Versailles. At the Paris conference, British forces moulded Wilson's Armistice-based concept for their national and imperial interests. This brought about publicly acclaimed antitheses such as the Union Intercoloniale (1921) and the LAI.

📘 Recommendation: The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives, Leiden University Press 2020.

Partition Machine. The 1923 Treaty of Lausanne 100 Years Later. British Academy Conference, University of Glasgow 🏴, 11.VIII.2023. Question to Dr Faiz Ahmed (right), lecture: Afghanistan, India, and Turkey after Lausanne: Opportunities and Challenges for Anticolonial Solidarity. 11.VIII.2023
Mr Ahmed picked three questions leaving out mine.

Ulrike von Hirschhausen, review of Wagner, Florian:Colonial Internationalism and the Governmentality of Empire, 1893–1982Cambridge 2022, ISBN 9781316512838, In: H-Soz-Kult, 6 March 2024.
Michael Goebel: Anti-imperial Metropolis. Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism, Cambridge 2015.
Florian Wagner: Colonial Internationalism and the Governmentality of Empire, 1893–1982, Cambridge 2022.